In compliance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, 8 March 2020, to deal with the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, Associazione Medici contro la Trtura premises will remain temporarily closed. However, our staff, cultural mediators, psychologists and doctors will continue to provide support to beneficiaries, and to all those who require assistance, through different channels.
Two hotlines will be active on the following days and times:
Numero attivo nei seguenti giorni e orari:
Monday: from 10,00 to 13.00
Wednesday: from 15.00 to 18.00
Friday: from 10,00 to 13.00
Numero attivo nei seguenti giorni e orari:
Tuesday: from 10,00 to 13.00
Thursday: from 15.00 to 18.00
Registered Address
Via Liberiana, 17 – 00185 Roma
Via Giovanni Giolitti, 225 – 00185 Rome, Italy
Via Umberto Biancamano, 28 – 00185 Rome, Italy